This poem came through me in a most magical Choco Bliss Ceremony where I was allowed to download large parts of my Higher & Extraterrestrial/Isis Self.
I ended up in my heart, completely utterly overflowing with deep Love, Unity, Grace, Abundance, Trust and a FREE feeling of Being the Soul that I am.
So grateful….
Free as a nomad
My heart is free as a nomad
Free is what I am
Free I will always be
I will be free always
I am free
I am a Nomad
At free will
I choose to be free
No victim
No matrix
No more boxes
As of February 2024 I will be living as a Nomad. We have sold our house and will be letting go of our marriage… The love remains, the form is set free…
Will you travel with me in the free flow of life 😊?
Love & Light,
Your Nomad Esther-Isis