What a Year… My first Nomadic Experience 😊!
- 1 Year
- 8 Countries (Netherlands, Switzerland, Malta, Gozo, Italy, Bosnia, Serbia & Egypt)
- 40 Different beds…
- 12 Friends’ Houses (Asar, Es, Wietske, Lex, Willemijn, Zoë, Siniša, Ro & Sach, Liesbet, Corina, Marta & Charlie)
- 12 Hotels
- 11 AirBnbs/Retreats/Resorts
- 2 Boats (on the Nile…)
- 1 Tent (Sinai Desert…)
- 1 House I know so very well… Our ‘old house’ @Goedestraat 122 Bis, Utrecht…
One Year… So many beds…
And all of them felt HOME to me 😊
The (spontaneous) care of certain people in my life who opened their hearts and doors of their homes to me…
Sometimes they were there themselves and we lived together for some time
Sometimes they were on a holiday and allowed me to stay at their place
So many different beds, houses, views, surroundings, sounds (or complete utter silence…)
All went right into my heart…
I took it all in…
The full experience of being a Nomad… ❤️
Having ‘no home’, and yet, having a Home everywhere…
My life is overflowing…
With Love, Connection, Gratitude, Multidimensionality…
Many new chances and people came my way…
I’m grateful for each and every connection…
Without these connections indeed, I may have had ‘no home’…
And yet… My experience is that a home can be easily found 😊
When my heart is open, others open up too!
On Gozo, my flight to Israel got cancelled and I can stay at Charlies place for 2 weeks. Out of the blue a place to live comes my way…
In Serbia I lived 3 weeks with a man I only met 1 hour, a year before… He showed me beautiful nature and gave me the chance to retreat in myself offline for 13 days…
In Sinai & Egypt many beautiful people kept crossing my path who guided me from one place to the other, effortlessly…
I can count on my Brothers & Sisters…
All around the Globe they live
Not in their heads…
In their Hearts… ❤️
That’s where they reside
And that gives faith, support and a deep knowing that I will always have ‘a Home’ somewhere…
That care is always around…
That Love is a given, not something to ‘work for’ in order to receive it
I am a Blessed Being
One House touches me deeply as I write this message…
My ‘old house’… The house I know so very well…
The house I let go of after 16 years in January 2024
The house where Christophe and I were happily married and lived our beautiful life together
I love this house in the Goedestraat (“Goodstreet”)
I loved it many years
She is not my house any longer
Just like all the other houses are not mine…
And yet…
They were my Home…
In the moment I needed them
“Home is where the Heart is” is a true saying…
I live in the Home of my Heart & Soul
Let’s unite my heart already with all the new (& old 😉) homes and people that will come my way in 2025
I love to be home, wherever I go…
A special Thank You to Villa Serena, the house of my Beloved Asar in Switzerland.
All the time I know, I can come and visit, see our Children of Light again.
A home is a cosy feeling of connection, of Family…
I am grateful you are there and always welcome me back…
I am Home
Thank You…
One friend asked me: “Whow, 40 different beds?! Who was the lucky one 😉?!”
I replied: “ME 😊!”
I was the lucky one haha!
So happy with my renewed relationship with ME this year…
In every bed where I will be, I will be happy, because I am with me…