Video Channeling: Galactic Council Activation – Taygeta | Pleiades (29 Sep 2023)




Do you wish to receive high dimensional Star Codes & Frequencies to support your Ascension :)? 

This Galactic Council Activation (GCA) brings to you in contact with the Taygetan Race from the Pleiades. The Pleaidians are well known for their amazing heart spaces.

Inspired by the work of brought forward by 2 beautiful humans (Robert & Gosia) who are in daily email contact with this tribe of Pleiadians (more info & transcripts here) we felt it would be nice to contact them in Channeling.

Enjoy your awakened heart in this Transmission ❤️

Duration approx 1.30 hour.


About the Galactic Council Activations

Enjoy this Online (Zoom) Transmission and Activation by the Elders of the Galactic Council. Since 2022 we have been sharing these sessions with them on an almost monthly basis. The Elders truly create an amazing field and support us to download high star codes to re-activate our original blueprint.

The Council consists of Elders from the main Star systems of Sirius, the Pleiades and Arcturus. Depending on what is needed one, two or three of them step forward during an Activation. Sometimes we have additional surprise guests e.g. Spacecraft Energy, the Central Galactic Sun, different Planets or even other Galaxies… :)!

Are you ready for some Space Time :)? Gladly see you there!

With Love, Light & Star Codes 😉

Esther, Asar, STAR & The Elders


Practical info

  • This event is in English (of course the energies are universal and multidimensional ;)).
  • A link will be sent to you after your booking. Please make sure to check your spam folder and fill out a correct email address 😉